Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 4 EOC: There's an App for That

It’s hard riding the bus on a regular basis. If I were to create an app for a smartphone, it would be a taxi application. Taxi drivers are always available, ready to take tourists where ever they please and make money. For someone who has no ownership of any vehicle or personal chauffeur, needs to think ahead and catch public transportation, the bus. Let us say that you’re out partying, wasted, or feel somewhat abandoned and you need a ride home. People call cabs all the time, but sometimes money isn’t always at hand. We live in a society that carries plastic, not paper. So why not have an application that allows you to call a cab and charge your fare immediately to your phone bill? The application also sends a signal to your cabdriver’s GPS device, no need for directions over the phone. Now the next issue at hand is, will every cabdriver in your area receive your call of distress? Not exactly, the GPS signal that is sent from your phone will only notify two cabs that are nearby. So one has competition with the other to see who gets to you first. 

Has it Been Done? 
Yes it has. Apple offers "Taxi Magic" for the IPhone and IPad. It allows all expenses to go straight to your card, and sends an e-receipt to your phone when you have reached your destination. It gives the expected passenger a map view of where their driver is located and no phone call is required. This app has been used in over 50 cities, making it one of the most rewarded applications.  

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